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I have been an extremely neglectful blog owner, I know.
a way
A lot of things have changed. It's a new year but I haven't done my usual round-up of the previous year. I guess on the whole, I am feeling 'a way' about a lot of things.
I've been thinking a whole lot about telling the truth lately, and especially when it comes to my writing.
so, here's the real, real
I haven't been updating my blog. I feel like it gets to this time of year, and this automatically happens, because I get the holiday blues.
the reject queen
I am the rejection queen. I don’t administer too many rejections myself, but I have become an expert at receiving them.
what london makes
Today I took a different route to work. There’s nothing special about that except that I got to see how London is still vines of roads and pockets of alleyways.
You're at a crossroads you know. That friend you had from 14 years ago, she's a mother and a wife. That other friend from 18 years ago, she's a mother and a wife.
the women who came before
There’s been a lot of looking backwards since I’ve been back.
used to it
I recently read an article about reverse culture shock and how it can take some people 6 months before they feel right again. I think I’m somewhere in between.